A Little Shift Makes a Ripple — EP193

If you’d like something to change, change something! Adjust, Shift, take a different turn… One shift opens many possibilities, a new set of configurations. Me thoughts on this and life recently: groundhogs, bees and hives, music and more.

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Links and Resources

A Card Pulled from Messages from Her

Podcast Episode with a message from HER (Rachael McKee) and another card pulled

Message from David Klow in this episode mentioning:

Inspiration for the Weary Therapist by David Klow

You’re Not Crazy by David Klow

The Nature Constellations Handbook: An Invitation to Connection by Francesca Mason Boring

EP 77 Nature Constellations: The Earthy Kind of Sacred with Francesca Mason Boring

Show Notes

  • 0:00 Intro
  • 1:16 Messages from Her Majesty the Queen
  • 4:38 Messages from Her — Pulling a new Card
  • 7:06 Letters from Your Therapist — David Klow
  • 10:58 New book by Francesca Mason Boring
  • 12:37 Making a Change to Open Possibility
  • 18:00 Kitchen cleaning can also be that
  • 19:37 The Little Statue with Poop on it’s head
  • 22:57 Notice Your Words
  • 25:58 Life Updates
  • 35:26 Outro

Intro Music by Nick Werber

Featured Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash

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If The Embody Podcast, my writing, or guided healing meditations have inspired you, helped, or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you would show your support through a small donation.

Each creation is lovingly made from my soul and takes anywhere from weeks to a few days to develop and produce. I gladly pay an editor who supports me in polishing and creating high quality content.

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You can also take a look at my offerings which can deepen your embodiment on your own journey. Proceeds from those offerings also help me in the creation of more resources and material.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so appreciative.

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