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Journey With a Horse

Journey With a Horse

A Horse came to me in my dreams. I felt a huge rush of strength, power, and vibrancy - a call to let that emerge from within myself and become that. I chalked it up to a horse being my Spirit animal back then, but continued to draw upon this specific beautiful brown horse, who had told me her name was Sheena.

Years later, when I was in Australia in 2018, I realized that I could, in fact, connect with horses in real life. My journey with horses has followed me to Spain, Michigan, California, Ireland, as well as taken me to many past lives to recover the gifts from those lives which include my connection with Horses and the wisdom they bring. My learning with horses have unlocked and restored my ability to stand in my own vibration, to be in my body and sync my ability to envision and communicate non-verbally, have healthy boundaries, listen and receive, be in my intuition, connect from the heart and soul, and feel simple presence and gratitude for being alive.

I enjoy being in presence and dancing with horses, asking nothing of them but what they wish to engage with, and being harmonious. This teaches me to be in deep experience with myself and I receive many gifts and messages from the horses and from within. Horses often reflect something for us to see as they feel and are aware of everything, especially when we are not.

I was mentored by Sara Fancy to offer Horse Constellations, Horse Somatic Experiences, and Horse Meditation with the Horses at liberty. The horse or horses can join in if they wish, and sharing space with them always offers wisdom as they remind us how to draw from many dimensions of the spirit world and earthly world. Horses are attuned to what we don’t always see or know, and they can bring forward information that can advance healing and transformation, or support embodiment and deepening in your experience of Life.


Meditate with a Horse

Be in presence, peace, and harmony with yourself and horses. So often, we ask a lot of horses and put pressure on them to do what we desire. In being with horses with meditation and presence, we build our relationship and connection with them. We deepen the consciousness the space and beings that are around.

Learn More Where I Offer These

Somatic with a Horse

With any desires you have in your life, I support you in embodied healing with Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Therapies, and other spiritual practices that support your nervous system in healing at a deep level, and coming to the wisdom within yourself. We collaborate with a Horse at liberty as they offer their intuitive presence. The experience may be deeply regulating (or dysregulating as they can bring up stuff!) for your body and bring forward your own natural movement, healing, and wisdom through being with yours and the Horse’s movements, sounds, responses, and emotions as well. Horses show the way to a deeper knowing, the knowing you have within.

Constellations with a Horse

Family or Systemic Constellations with Horses brings another dimension - a magical creature that is highly in tune and sensitive to what is within your and your ancestry’s field of energy, your emotions and dynamics, and what you think and believe. With a horse or horses at liberty, we set up a personal constellation individually or within a group to allow what wants to be seen to be honored, while supporting you in restoration of your basic and full self, self-love and healing. Often a horse will show you with their body, movements, or responses something that your soul wants you to see.

Group or With Your Own Horse

Join a group workshop or receive a one-on-one session with a Horse to receive a Constellation, Somatic Healing Experience, or Meditation. Take a journey into your healing around anything you desire or any challenges in your life with a Horse, as they often reflect for us what we cannot or do not see or feel, offer their presence as co-regulation for our nervous system and body, and bring forward insight and messages of wisdom.

Inspired? Please have a look at my Personal Mentorship, Retreats, Immersions or directly reach out to me so we can create your individual experience.

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