Site icon Candice Wu

Monthly Embodied Healing Group Session

This is for you if you are craving embodied support, empowering connection, and healing guidance! A truly powerful exchange of love and transformation for your contribution.

I'll support you in being at ease in your own body and spirit, tapping into your intuition and wisdom, and somatic and ancestral healing around anything you're experiencing or challenged with each month.

Each Group Healing Session will be limited to 3 people and 60 mins long (time depends on number of people), once a month online.

Group times vary and new group times are created all the time – please inquire about current groups by emailing me @ (

This first payment will be charged on the first day of the following month and every month thereafter until it is canceled. If you'd like to join for a one-time session or try it out, please arrange it with me by contacting me and it is $105/single group. We enjoy having a continuous group experience and support, so I ask for your ongoing monthly commitment if you decide to be part of the group. If you miss a session, we can arrange for you to join another group if possible.

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