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20 Deep Self Love Practices

These twenty Self love practices go beyond self care and towards a deep sense of loving who you are and the reasons you are alive. When we love our unique voice and way of being in this life, we open to natural ease, authenticity, and freedom from the depths of your soul.

  1. Speak fiercely. Express your truth from your gut and power. Let others take what they will. When you show up genuinely, you make room for others to be vulnerable also.
  2. Go deep. Seek your essence, what you are about and why you are here, your spirituality. Ask yourself, what makes you feel most self-expressed, alive, and like yourself? The deeper we go internally and value what we find, the more we profoundly we love ourselves and others.
  3. Practice non self-improvement. Be where you are. Embrace the parts of you that are undesirable or ugly to claim the energy you’ll need from them. This cultivates joy and connects you with humanity. Cleanse yourself of “shoulds” and stand behind yourself.
  4. Forget about “good” and let go of what you expect. An expected outcome limits what we receive or accomplish. Release control and open to possibilities that aren't even fathomable. What is coming your way may come in another form or shape than you thought.
  5. Do life on purpose. Agree to your life and the people in it or shift out of what’s not working. Wash dishes with complete awareness and engross yourself. Choose consciously how and who you’d like to be. Show up. Notice who you are being and fully experience it.
  6. Wabi-sabi. See your life as a delicious, messy, and magical unfolding of your nature. View mistakes as “takes” for continual learning. The Japanese phrase “wabi-sabi” reminds us to take pleasure in our transient, incomplete, and imperfect nature.
  7. Simplify and get essential. Pare down the activities and stuff in your home. Shed the distraction and the energy-drains that they are connected with. Reconnect with what sparks joy in your life.
  8. Allow time to be action-less. Suspend and unplug yourself from standard time. Just be. Recharge with an activity that brings you flow. Your body is a vessel for potentiality, so treat it kindly for the best results.
  9. Balance giving and receiving. Consider that just giving depletes you and leaves an energetic burden of guilt onto the other person. Giving and receiving are acts of kindness to both people.
  10. Be in and be nature. Explore, play, breathe, wander, and feel the magnificence that you are part of. Soaking in the energy of plants, and the outlines of trees or mountains provides our eyes and bodies ease, as the organic lines and colors reflect our organic nature.
  11. Believe. Believe in your essential worth… it is a given. Believe that what you are seeking is also seeking you. Believe you have an exquisite and rare voice in the world.
  12. Get messy. Play in the dirt, get the paints out, move your body, sing loudly. Get your juices flowing from the sensuous and spontaneous core of yourself.
  13. Value your daydreams. Give yourself permission to daydream, night dream, mentally wander and imagine. Treasure your ideas and inner world no matter how absurd, as it brings forth the depth of your being. Honor and hone in on what energizes you.
  14. Let yourself be affected. Peel off your heart-protecting armor and live with from your soul. Let events change you. Put up your armor when needed.
  15. Observe yourself with acceptance… as you would a baby. Be fascinated with your thoughts, reactions, and internal sensations. Let everything that is happening inside your body happen more take the self self-understanding.
  16. Observe criticism… without criticism. Noticing your negative thoughts instead of getting hard on yourself for having them releases the power of them. Talk to yourself kindly as you would a sweet friend. Have a dialogue with your inner critic. Explore its motives and functions.
  17. Experience every emotion as valuable. Reclaim your emotions as powerful allies that guide wise action and bring wholeness. Notice, feel, and care for them.
  18. Befriend your fears and losses. What you resist persists, hardens you, and drains your energy. There is vital and creative energy waiting for you behind the feelings, experiences, and memories that you have buried/avoided. Make room for them to be felt and known.
  19. Develop a deep inner dialogue with yourself and the universe. Trust or learn to trust your intuition. Have a conversation with your body or emotions. Dialogue with what you would like to bring into being or call into your life. Ask and listen to  what it wants you to know or do.
  20. ____________________. (Your self love ritual here). Develop one makes you feel connected with your sacred and magical being.


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