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9 Easy Ways to Get Going When You Feel Anxiety or Procrastination

So many people share with me their procrastination and fears of taking a step towards something they know deeply is what they desire. What they dream of.

I find myself anxious and procrastinating certain tasks that are part of my dream. The ones that are specifically sharing my voice, what I have to say, my message.

Writing, for one. Podcasting – don’t get me started. (That’s the problem, it’s hard to get started!)

I ask myself, what am I fearing?

Doing it perfectly. Being competent and seen as good. Doing something that people will like. Fearing that it won’t be liked.

All of these rooted in the younger parts of me and my inner critic. All of these beliefs, untrue. All of which, if I allow unchecked or unresolved, end up making me feel inadequate, worried, anxious. When I come from this place, I begin to sound incompetent, nervous, fearful.

More of Me

There is more of me than this one fear or anxiety.

My wild, wise, creative, and inner lover selves are all on board to help me ground, find my inner voice, and let all of the outer voices and criticism shatter to the ground – realizing that they are all an illusion.

I call upon them.

The deeper awareness in me reminds me that the path that has fear and resistance is the way towards growth, towards myself.

My inner wisdom helps me to remember that these beliefs are nothing truthful really, but all part of the story of my ego – all parts for me to know, but not to lead the way in taking new steps in my life. The deeper awareness in me reminds me that the path that has fear and resistance is the way towards growth, towards myself. My wisdom reminds me that fear is unclaimed energy and love in disguise.

Your Own Fears

If you’d like to explore your own areas of blockage, ask yourself:

Just One Step: A Baby Step is OK

So I sit down and breathe. Or I stand up. Whatever position I want to get myself in to start to take a small baby step. One movement. One moment of noticing and awareness.

I gather myself. I let my energy come downward and notice my feet and hips. I imagine all of the parts of me that are outward and disempowered, scared – and I breathe them back to my core, back to my soul where I know that I am ready to share a deeper message.

The energy of fear and procrastination can be shifted by movement and grounding.

Try some of these yourself to shift into your powerful self and wisdom when you’d like to step forward:

  1. Sit down and feel your hips.
  2. Stand up and get moving.
  3. Breathe consciously.
  4. Imagine a time you were in your full power. Feel into this moment. Notice the sensations, emotions, images, body forms and beliefs that come with it.
  5. Take one TINY step towards your task or what you desire.
  6. Feel the fear and do it anyways.
  7. Imagine all the nervous energy grounding and gathering so that it is consolidated and empowers your next movement.
  8. Feel the third chakra, your core energy behind the belly button. Imagine a ball of fire there that fuels your strength.
  9. Let go of criticism, judgment, and timing for the moment.

Not every step you take will be one that seems productive, but may lead to the next one and allow things to unfold. When you take the conscious moment to become aware of your body, you will have access to so much more of you to power your next move. Add in gentleness and go for it a baby step at a time!

Featured Post Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

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