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Relationship Reset

Have you ever felt like you wanted to just reset or reboot the relationship?

The Outdated Default Relationship Dynamic

Recently, I noticed that there was a friend that I would frequently feel frustrated with because I became a therapist to them. I found myself feeling exhausted after a conversation and complaining about this person to others. But I wasn’t doing anything to change it.

It was almost as if I was numb to it and just getting through it. A default mode. Definitely reminiscent of past ways of survival in my childhood experience. Maybe this was the type of relationship that I had wanted for a time, but now it was getting to be a drag.

From time to time, if not regularly, I like to check in on how I am experiencing my relationships.

These were signs to me that I had a desire for something different. Rather than avoiding this person, or cutting them out of my life, I wanted to find a new way. I wanted to create something different rather than live what has been there, and what was outdated.

Signs of A Desire For Change

Have you experienced wanting something different in your relationships?

Rather than complaining about someone that you truly would like to stay connect to and leaving it at that, or attributing a problematic relationship to that person’s personality (although in some cases it may be), noticing the signs that you might want something different can give you the freedom to know you can collaborate to create something new.

Whether it is with friends, in romantic relationships, or business here are some of the cues that your soul may be wanting a shift:

It Always Begins With You

Take ultimate responsibility for the way you may be acting, what you may be assuming about the other person, what your past experiences may have brought to the dynamic, and perhaps where your fears are that keep you doing what you do in it. Take time to explore, notice, and digest how you experience yourself in the relationship. I encourage you to journal or explore with a loved one or therapist/healer/coach about the following questions.

Exploration for Yourself: Who Have You Been?

Getting Clear on Who You Want to Be

Collaborating to Create New Territory

Are you ready to set out and put your new awareness and desires into motion?

First, recognize whether this is a safe relationship to explore a new dynamic. You may consider getting outside support if you are unsure. This article is not tailored or specific to crisis or abusive situations, though some things may be helpful.

You might consider trying some of the things you found in your exploration above, or being honest and talking with the person(s) in the relationship and sharing that you’d like to create something new. Check yourself to see if you’re coming from a place of love, groundedness, and the energy of loving between the two (or more) of you. If you’re in a place of emotional reaction, you may take more time with it before you present a new idea, depending on the capacity of yourself, the other person(s) and the relationship.

Starter Lines – From a Place of Love:

Find a time where you and the other person are in a relaxed, neutral, or grounded place.

Test out these starting lines to open a new, creative conversation and shake up the energy in your relationship.

Love and Love and Love

Be kind and gentle with yourself and the other person! It’s important to keep loving and forgiving yourself for fumbles and for the ways you’ve contributed to a relationship dynamic, as well as find a loving heart towards the others involved. Keep in mind that deeply entrenched ways of acting may take time, willingness, and gentleness to shift.

Know that all is flexible and changeable and that everything is a possibility. The experience you have, and your relationship has, is ONE possibility and it’s in your power to change it up. Go for it!

Feel free to reach out if you would like relationship support, conscious intention setting in your relationship or individually, and embodied support to move through the emotions and bodily experience that may come up around change.

Your Support Means So Much!

If The Embody Podcast, my writing, or guided healing meditations have inspired you, helped, or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you would show your support through a small donation.

Each creation is lovingly made from my soul and takes anywhere from weeks to a few days to develop and produce. I gladly pay an editor who supports me in polishing and creating high quality content.

As little as $2 help nourish my podcast and other creations to continue to have life and cover costs.

You can also take a look at my offerings which can deepen your embodiment on your own journey. Proceeds from those offerings also help me in the creation of more resources and material.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so appreciative.

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