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Self – Love Note ❤ Consciousness / Bliss Body

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Self – Love is essential to feeling nourished, thriving, and being at ease in yourself. Your well being is at the root of all of what you'd like to create, do, and offer in the world. Imagine, if we each loved ourselves, what a difference it would make!

Each week, I share a Self – Love Note for you to experiment with and add onto your own ways of treating yourself with love. These include ways to love and care for yourself on all levels — your physical being, your energy body, your emotional and spiritual self, and your development of consciousness. Feel free to share with me your experience and your favorites.

Consciousness / Bliss Body

The last four weeks, we gave attention to the Physical, Energetic and the Mental/Emotional, and Spiritual Levels of the our being with loving and balancing practices.

This week, we go to the core of the Koshas, the deepest level, which is the level of pure consciousness. The more we touch into this core, the more powerful we are connected with the truth of who we are, as mistruths and distortions cannot exist here.

This is the causal level of your entire being: the consciousness behind everything. The pure being that knows complete expansiveness and all possibility – our essence.

At this most powerful core, you can move past our beliefs (samskaras) and into union with pure love, pure being. You are the universe, and the universe is you – there is no separation.

When you touch into pure consciousness, you may access an expansion of awareness into who you truly are: an infinite flow of love. You are connected and of the Whole.

This is the infinite Self with a big “S”, versus the self, small “s,” of the individual soul and ego. The essence of all types of yoga in its truest form is union with the Whole, with consciousness itself.

You can expand into Self with love to transform limiting beliefs and ways of being, self – forgiveness, Family Constellations, Tantric and Vedic practices such as Karma and Jñana Yoga, Vedic Meditation/Transcendental Meditation, Yoga Nidra, and other Soul Work and Consciousness – Building practices.

To touch into this level of your being, you can also find a Yoga Nidra class in your local area, or practice yogasana (yoga poses). You know that feeling in Savasana when you aren’t awake but know you aren’t asleep? That’s the state of being in pure being and union with the Whole. There is a Yoga Nidra practice offered in my Sound Sleep Alchemy Album.

Two Practices of Union with Pure Consciousness

The following two practices in its concrete form here are not the experience of pure consciousness, but they can lead you to it. It’s the experience of the union of you and consciousness that is the effortless aim and end result over time. As you do these practices, allow yourself to drop deeper and into the more subtle aspect of the practice – one that is quiet and deeply internal.

So Ham Mantra

Breathe in and internally say the sound So (Soooooo), breathe out and internally say the sound Ham (Hummmm). Do this with little effort but a coming back to the sounds for as many times as you feel comfortable or when you begin to feel in a state of meditation.

Meditate on the Reality of Your Existence

Using any of these that resonate or creating your own, repeat the mantra 15 times, stay inward and be with your experience. These were inspired by John Randolph Price in the Abundance Book.

Notice Your Experience

Witness your experience with neutrality and explore your reactions. Practice over time and support when you challenging experiences come to the surface can allow deep spiritual transformation and growth. Be patient and gentle with yourself!

Feel free to reach out to me. I’m here to support you.

Featured image by @grayndsoul.

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so appreciative.

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