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The Deepest Form of Self – Love : Being YOU – EP8

It’s time to LOVE your voice, become fully self – expressed and show yourself the deepest form of self – love: Living Your Truth shamelessly and wildly. Simply Being YOU.

On my 35th birthday, I felt this message move through me – a message that gives me life and purpose.

Listen in on my realistic inspiration to you about bringing yourself to life. How essential it is that you share your specific desires and gifts, validate yourself, and be fully in your being!

Of course, I know that it’s not that simple…Enjoy this encouraging note to be gentle, yet fierce in acknowledging the self – betrayal, hiding, and facades you may carry, death and how it forces the acknowledgement of life, and what would be a life worth living for. Also, I share some personal stories of challenges with being myself, fear, and hiding.

Appreciate and give yourself the birth of YOU (the TRUE YOU).


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If The Embody Podcast, my writing, or guided healing meditations have inspired you, helped, or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you would show your support through a small donation.

Each creation is lovingly made from my soul and takes anywhere from weeks to a few days to develop and produce. I gladly pay an editor who supports me in polishing and creating high quality content.

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so appreciative.

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