A{Live} Now: Lessons from Illness and Emergence — EP188

I felt like I was falling apart, breaking apart. I was becoming more in line with who I am… but things had to die. Listen in on the lessons from my life concoction of spiritual transition and getting covid 19 at the same time. Catch in on some of the ways that I supported myself through it.

On Your Needs and Wants: You Are Your Own baseline — EP173

On the topic of your wants and needs being unique to you and not up for debate or comparison, being selfish, and worthiness. Often the baseline of what is too much is someone else’s experience, external. Reset the baseline back to you!

Your Natural Voice: Speaking, Sounding, Singing Bare & Beautiful — EP151

To be in your bare, beautiful and natural voice is to love yourself. The simple but intimate conversation of your relationship with your own voice and sound. Explore a handful of tips to play with and expand the range of your sound, getting comfortable with more of yourself. Get naked and intimate.

Mind Play & Energy Alchemy: A Trick to Get Unstuck — EP149

You are the substance of all possibility! Here’s a simple mind trick that you can play with to step into creative prowess and into aspects of yourself that feel blocked. When you ACT AS IF… you can free up some of the energy spent on doubting for joy, wholeness, and inspired action.