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Sync up to Your 100% Yes and Your Body’s No ❤ Self — Love Note

I have been experiencing “energetic downloads” — feelings of energy moving in my body where I feel myself expanding in my capacity to know, where I feel I’m receiving a transmission of new knowing. I feel myself collecting parts of myself that hold wisdom, aspects of my being opening to discover more of myself and my wisdom. In the past, I may have mistaken this feeling for anxiety, this tingly and slightly uncomfortable feeling of stretching energetically.

Part of the expansion I’ve been feeling lately has asked of me to be 100% in about the choices I am making. Meaning, if something doesn’t fulfill me 100% and is a complete YES, that it is something I should say NO to. There’s definitely a value to compromise, when there is a right time for that or if it is part of your own growth edge, but for me now, it is to be in full permission to say NO.

I’ve noticed that when I feel even 95% good or ok about something, that it isn’t enough and I am very sensitive to it when the outpouring of that choice shows me exactly the 5% that was ignored. My body shows me that I could stand behind myself more by showing me that it does not feel good to be only 95% or even 99% for that matter. The signals I’ve noticed are feeling drained, noticing deeper dynamics that I was aware of before show up that I would like to choose to disengage from, feeling irritable or anxious, feeling not fully present or interested, wanting to be somewhere else.

We have an instinctual knowing about what is supportive for us and what is not! Just like a baby knows and gravitates towards what is life-giving in a safe and attuned environment. Attune to yourself and make it safe to feel in alignment with your knowing.

Is this something that you feel called to explore? Here are a few exercises to tune into your own gauge of being 100% in or NOT.

100% Yes Exercise

❤ When have you felt a 100% yes or “hell yes” about something?

❤ Feel what being 100% into something feels like, where you fully desired something. Notice how it felt in your body, and how it feels now in your body to picture that time? How are the sensations in your body, colors or a felt sense, tension/expansion, your posture, emotions?

❤ If you ended up making that choice, feel the experience of what it was like to enjoy and savor it. Savor it now, even if you didn’t savor it before by seeing the experience and tuning in with all of your senses.

Less than 100% Exercise

❤ Notice a time when you have felt ambivalent about a choice, where you were less than 100%. What did that feel like in your body? What does it feel like now to picture this experience?

❤ Check-in with which part of you desired this and why. Notice the part that did NOT want this and why. Was there a deeper reason for choosing this that you would have agreed with more fully?

❤ Without judgment of yourself, notice the moment before or after this experience where you knew it wasn’t the right choice for you. Be aware and feel through the emotions that may come up.

Journaling Practice

❤ Where can you make a choice that you 100% stand behind yourself about?

❤ Are there places that you feel you owe your life to others or are doing something obligatory?

❤ What can you do for yourself today that truly is out of your own freedom and choice?

We are allowed to be 100% behind ourselves and into the choices we make, whether big or small! What would it be like to feel fully in alignment with your day to day experience?

We are worthy of having the fullness of what we desire. This is not a chance to be hard on yourself for not being 100% in your choices — this is just an exploration of where it is for you that you desire this and what you want to choose now. It’s all about your own freedom of choice and what is resonating for you.


Featured Photo by Sue Zeng on Unsplash

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