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How the Body Tells You That Healing is Happening

Click here for a Podcast Episode on The Potency of Tiny Healing Steps

Minuscule Healing Steps

Good things come in small packages.

It’s true.

But, what’s this got to do with healing?

The body and the nervous system will typically experience what can appear to be unimportant or tiny changes, and if we aren’t aware of these, we can miss the fact that we are already healing.

In my experience and study in Somatic Experiencing, in Family Constellations, and in Yoga, if you notice these baby steps, your healing can advance faster and more thoroughly.


Why It Is Important to Notice Tiny Healing Steps

Imagine a baby learning how to walk for the first time.

If a parent is attentive to the first (or even the second or third) time they stand on their own without holding something or their first step forward, the baby will likely advance quicker and more steadily than a baby who doesn’t have this loving attention.

Your nervous system and body act similarly.

The power of your awareness is huge!

So when we notice the small things, the healing grows bigger and goes deeper.

Also, the more we notice, the more obvious the healing steps become. Since we weren’t all taught to listen to the cues of our bodies this way, it is a matter of practice and training our awareness.

So, good things come in small packages – even in healing and transformation.


Small Healing Signs to Look Out For

I’ve put together a list of some (and certainly not all) important shifts in the body that you can begin to notice in your healing process to boost your healing. If you notice these shifts and feel into them, your body will probably like it and continue moving in a healing direction.

Things to Keep Aware Of

Keep in mind that these small healing steps may happen when you’re experiencing a conversation with a friend, therapist, healing practitioner or coach, and that they may be supported even deeper by a Somatic Experiencing or Somatic Therapy practitioner. When the body is in the forefront of the healing process, the healing can be even more powerful.

Sometimes, healing doesn’t feel like it is happening, especially if the emotions feel more intensified. In some cases, if the intensity is too much, then your nervous system may become overwhelmed. In these cases, remind yourself that feeling your emotions is, in general, a positive step towards healing, though it is important to receive proper support from someone who is trained to notice what is happening in your nervous system so that you don’t overwhelm or re-traumatize your nervous system.


Notice the Small Things

Are you ready to notice (or continue your practice of noticing) the small healing steps you’re having? Empower yourself with these healing steps in mind, so that you can boost your healing progress!

I encourage you to get curious about what happens and what possibilities open up to you when you stay in the moment of noticing a tiny breath, mini-movement, or shift in your eye gaze.

As always, feel free to reach out to me if you’d like support, have questions, or would like to know more.

Your Support Means So Much!

If The Embody Podcast, my writing, or guided healing meditations have inspired you, helped, or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you would show your support through a small donation.

Each creation is lovingly made from my soul and takes anywhere from weeks to a few days to develop and produce. I gladly pay an editor who supports me in polishing and creating high quality content.

As little as $2 help nourish my podcast and other creations to continue to have life and cover costs.

You can also take a look at my offerings which can deepen your embodiment on your own journey. Proceeds from those offerings also help me in the creation of more resources and material.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so appreciative.

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