Support and Soothing Experiential — EP186

We underestimate the amount of support and soothing our bodies need. Jump into a brief experiential to ease your body to soothe and comfort your nervous system, heart and body.

Inner Trust: 8 Tips to Embody Trust & Intuition — EP145

Imagine you could easily trust your knowing, intuition, and trust you can handle anything. To be in the flow of your brilliant body and being. To trust Life as it comes to you, that you are creatively powerful and able to love yourself through anything. 8 tips!

Celebrate Your Cells! A Guided Meditation Practice — EP143

The cells of your body thrive on celebrating your unique being by simple loving presence and acknowledgment. A great way to end the year, end the day, or the moment with some juicy nourishing to your body and soul is to shine a feeling of celebration on yourself.

The Mind Does Not Compute What Belongs to the Heart — EP138

On navigating the unknown, how the mind does not compute what belongs to the heart, when your feelings might not match your “reality”, tips and tools for navigating the unknown and the discomfort of not knowing: the wilderness of your being.