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Seeing Invites More — Like A Ripple in the Water ❤ Self — Love Note

I feel rejuvenated and fuller in myself after spending a whole week immersed in Family and Systemic Constellations with my teacher, Suzi Tucker.

What I was reminded of so poignantly in the work was to look for evidence in the present moment of what’s happening. To allow all small movements to be seen. To see more, literally, not just in my awareness, but with my eyes. This allows a ripple in the water.

In Family Constellations, we invite people to represent parts of our family system or what we want to explore. The representatives sense into what’s present in their bodies in the present moment, without thinking about it or analyzing, and follow their body’s movements and emotions. This brings forward the unconscious dynamics — the things we are typically unable or unwilling to see.

It’s often that something different than our mental story emerges. This is where it’s important to LOOK.

If we can “look, instead of not look” (said Suzi on the Podcast then we can invite more.

More space, more resource, more knowing, more possibility.

This showed itself in small but significant moments where someone turned towards another person in a constellation, or one by one people’s spines started to lift upwards in the ancestry, where I took a deeper breath, or where a mother’s eyes could finally see her son clearly.

So often we aren’t looking at our present lives, surroundings, or situation — we are away in some storyline, usually rooted in fear or anxieties. Can we see where our basic needs of food or shelter are met? Or how we are alive and breathing right now? That the tree nearby is calming to look at — showing us we are safe right now. Can we feel the shifts in tiny healing movements? These are actually not small things at all — What if we really let this be seen and sink in?

I notice times that I might not bother to look, because seeing something new can disrupt the structure that I have calibrated my life and perspective around. It takes some work. And, eeek — I might be forced to expand!

But if I can bother to look, seeing something different can bring an opening to more.

What I appreciate also appreciates.

I might also see something painful — seeing the reality of how I feel or a situation that is bringing suffering. Seeing what is here square in the face gives me the opening to begin the next step.

This invitation has brought me much more groundedness, presence, and a sense of safety. I am curious what possibilities will flow from here.

Loving yourself is supporting yourself with the best chance for more — more possibility and opening.

I invite you to look a little more closely in your life — not by analyzing and thinking — but with seeing. Seeing what’s around you, in your relationships, in your workplace; seeing your connections, the small moments, the places unseen.

Let’s see what opens from here!


Featured Photo by Ameen Fahmy on Unsplash

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