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Daydream: Leave Space for the Unexpected and Catch a Dream ❤ Self — Love Note

Some of my best ideas or connections to myself come when I’m in-between spaces like when I’m on the toilet or right before I fall asleep. It’s because there is a space of ease without force or agenda. A moment of purposelessness that lets aliveness rise up to the surface, where the mental part of me doesn’t feel the need to control or direct everything.

We can do this with more space by spending time daydreaming. When’s the last time you gave yourself full permission to daydream? Do you want to connect with your depths and knowings? Are you curious about what your specific energetic blueprint and coding has to bring forward into consciousness?

Daydreaming without an agenda leaves space for your soul to breathe and take its own shapes and colors. Like a dance with your imaginal and symbolic self, letting yourself daydream connects you to your depths and allows this vital information to come forward. If you’ve felt stuck in a rut or constantly on the go, it may be that your Soul is crying for time to just BE and to be seen.

Daydreaming is a way to love your deep inner being and Soul — to let the depth of yourself emerge to the surface without the pressurization of the daily grind or mental agenda. The depths of Soul do not care about time, space, or mental logic. It’s a time to let your mind (as we typically understand it) rest.

When we leave space for the unexpected, unplanned, and unimagined, an organic spark that connects to your true nature may want to show itself. Sometimes what arrives are aspects of yourself that want to be heard, healed, or expressed in your daily life, sometimes it is nonsensical thoughts that spring into practical and inspired ideas, and other times it is to fuel your creative and imaginal spirit and life. Perhaps the personal, archetypal and collective unconscious realms get a chance to make their way to consciousness.

Other benefits to Daydreaming:

Open Your Dreamspace

To begin, try a few of these access points to bring safety to your body and draw up your messy, unkempt, vibrant dream space. Coming with curiosity and openness, the idea is to open your senses and let your mental part take a break.

If you feel unsafe in your own body, begin with working on embodied safety, learn how to somatically come out of overwhelming experience, and then let yourself open up dreamscape. Without the level of nervous system safety, it can feel overwhelming or bring up discomfort that may feel bigger than your capacity. If you’re ready for daydreaming, go for it!

Harvest with Witness and Curiosity

Without trying to make logical sense of everything, which can squash the logic of the Soul, observe! The Soul speaks through an intuition or hit of information, images, colors and feelings, senses, knowings, story.

The most important thing is to have no plan or expectation for your Dreamtime. If you have these, witness those and how it makes your body feel. Transition to one of the above ways to access your open-hearted dream space. Plug into the soul and your knowing, your intuition.

May Mystery be alive in your life!

Who knows what can happen when there isn’t the pressure of an agenda or force of doing or pushing?

New ideas, knowings, and awarenesses are already trying to reach you, and daydreaming is a way to have the open space to catch them.

Enjoy your dreamtime — catch a dream today!


Featured Artwork by Candice Wu

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