Healing My Preoccupation With Money — EP181

I thought I had gotten to a peaceful place in my relationship with money and abundance… and this nagging feeling kept staying with me. I felt a part of me was preoccupied with gaining lots of money — but why? Where was it coming from? Find out in this episode what revealed itself and how I came back to a peaceful place of inner power and freedom.

Creating vs Reacting — EP178

With this story on looking deeper at what was living underneath my desires, I explore what creation truly is! Get clear on when you’re reacting and living from the past and when you’re truly creating your experience from present day sovereignty.

Pleasure Filter — EP176

Enjoying pleasure in your life requires flexing the muscle of basking in a good feeling. Jump into this episode where I talk about this and how what we appreciate in an embodied form appreciates.

The Past Does Not Define Your Future — EP169

The present is an outpouring of your past energies and beliefs… not a confirmation of the future. And the past does not define what happens next — you’re a constant creator whether you know it or not.