A{Live} Now: Gaining Weight & Body Love — EP163

I’m focused on gaining weight and finding food I love right now! Find out why in this Episode along with the challenges, loving my body, and healing adventures stemming from mystery bodily messages.

Inner Trust: 8 Tips to Embody Trust & Intuition — EP145

Imagine you could easily trust your knowing, intuition, and trust you can handle anything. To be in the flow of your brilliant body and being. To trust Life as it comes to you, that you are creatively powerful and able to love yourself through anything. 8 tips!

9 Reminders for Your Heart and Spirit — EP144

Empower yourself into the new year with these as love letters to your heart and spirit! A compilation of the top 9 reminders that I’ve found myself and my clients needing to hear this year touching on falling back into old ways, the ego serves the spirit, everything is transformable, and more.

Celebrate Your Cells! A Guided Meditation Practice — EP143

The cells of your body thrive on celebrating your unique being by simple loving presence and acknowledgment. A great way to end the year, end the day, or the moment with some juicy nourishing to your body and soul is to shine a feeling of celebration on yourself.

You Are Pleasure — Worthy And Your Pleasure Lifts Others — EP141

You are sooo worthy of pleasure! In every area of your life. Pleasure can be tangled up with so much – our worthiness, betrayal of others if we have pleasure, whether we are selfish or self-centered, responsibility, and indulgence. In this episode, I talk about all this including how being in YOUR pleasure brings more to yourself and others.