Let Your Emotional Shift Take You Forward — EP191

Do you go back to the same negative state or loop you were in before? Here are the steps to shifting your perspective in a tough situation: Turn inwards and digest your emotions, let the shift happen, move forward from the shift.

When Tunnel Vision Can Help — EP189

Tunnel vision can get a bad rap — but it can be so helpful when you need it. If you’re overwhelmed, easily swayed by other’s opinions, or feeling pushed and pulled by life, this can be a focusing agent that can draw you forward to more!

A{Live} Now: Lessons from Illness and Emergence — EP188

I felt like I was falling apart, breaking apart. I was becoming more in line with who I am… but things had to die. Listen in on the lessons from my life concoction of spiritual transition and getting covid 19 at the same time. Catch in on some of the ways that I supported myself through it.

Experiential: Wake Up Your Awareness — EP177

Nothing complicated here! Simple movements that can deepen your awareness, release tension, and fortify feeling IN your body. You can do this lying down upon waking up, as a break in the day or before bed.