A{Live} Now: Lessons from Illness and Emergence — EP188

I felt like I was falling apart, breaking apart. I was becoming more in line with who I am… but things had to die. Listen in on the lessons from my life concoction of spiritual transition and getting covid 19 at the same time. Catch in on some of the ways that I supported myself through it.

Creating vs Reacting — EP178

With this story on looking deeper at what was living underneath my desires, I explore what creation truly is! Get clear on when you’re reacting and living from the past and when you’re truly creating your experience from present day sovereignty.

The Body Talks All the Time… — EP161

A little tidbit here on how the body talks to you through its symptoms, tension, illness, and emotion. Explore the purpose for these experiences or situations in your life. What is your body and spirit trying to tell you? It’s not about thinking it through, but sensing and opening to the wisdom.