Creating vs Reacting — EP178

With this story on looking deeper at what was living underneath my desires, I explore what creation truly is! Get clear on when you’re reacting and living from the past and when you’re truly creating your experience from present day sovereignty.

Insisting We All Belong and CHAI with Rahul Sharma — EP66

This podcast is with guest Dr. Rahul Sharma who offers his Sitar music live and explores how to insist that we all belong, his CHAI Recipe — a yummy recipe for the Self and how to be in life, being an artist as both a self-absorbed and selfless endeavor, difficult conversations about power and race, and his double migration story.

Claim Your Authority ❤ Self — Love Note

I learned the hard way to never defer my authority. We have the right and freedom to make our own choices and they are ours to have. The truth is that we know deep inside our being what is OUR way at THIS time. This is your authority. Your intuition and core desires are your authority. Of course, you can take input from others and consider these opinions, but each person’s way is exquisitely unique.

Ritual and Embodiment — EP55

Ritual at its best brings us towards a feeling of acknowledgment, embodiment, and honoring of our true selves. In this episode, I explore how rituals can serve embodiment or disembodiment, examining your own rituals, the rituals I enjoy, and designing your own rituals.