Honor More of Yourself ❤ Self – Love Note

To embrace and give a place for all the parts of who you have been and who you are, all those that stand behind you and all those in your lineage gives the kaleidoscope of fullness and wholeness. We feel more of ourselves, good and bad. We acknowledge and experience more. Take a moment to love the many parts of yourself by honoring this in you today!

Ancestral Medicine : Healing Through Your Lineage

Explore a clearer vision of your future by exploring who is behind you in your family lineage. Resource the strength, love, and life that is behind you. The farther back you can see behind you, the farther you can see forward into the future.

10 Life-Changing Books That Guided Me on My Holistic Healing Journey

I’m leaving a Chicago coffee shop, clutching a book, as eyes of a stranger meet mine. He says: “I don’t see many people your age reading on a Friday night. What are you reading?” “Anatomy of the Spirit”, I say. As I check my own coolness. He pulls out his wallet and hands me a card almost instantly. He says that he knows a great holistic doctor that works with energy. I was a bit taken back, as I did not ask for this, but a few weeks later, as I found myself feeling physically (and spiritually, though I did not realize this) broken, I called this doctor. It was one of the best things I’ve stumbled upon.