Inner Baby & Beautiful Garbage with Erin Diedling — EP48

Erin Diedling and I explore how trauma goes into the tissues, our personal stories of early and pre-birth trauma and the power in healing these, how the soul moves out of the way in early life trauma, and clearing out the beautiful garbage of what’s stuck so we can fully trust and be in our psychic gifts. Included is an “intuitive glance” of the podcast community and who’s connecting in.

Challenge Every Belief ❤ Self – Love Note

A HUGE way to love yourself – your essential being, the core of you that is interconnected with the whole – is to know the freedom and truth of who you are and who you are not. Delve into the nuances of your experience to unearth the beliefs that go undetected and live in your life.

Soul Body Retreat: The Aftermath of Co-Creation — EP46

Unlike any yoga or meditation retreat… The Soul Body Retreat was full of transformational prowess and multidimensionality to support women in being themselves in their lives. Here is inside scoop, from members of the Soul Body Women’s Retreat, of what was experienced, what they got out of it, and how we honored ourselves, earth, our lineage and power.

Permission to Be You & Addiction’s Gift with Jill Massura — EP43

Jump in on an insightful and inspired conversation with Jill Massura. We explore the gifts and challenge of showing up as human and vulnerable, how addiction ended up being the greatest gift of Jill’s life, seeing our life through wisdom lenses and neutrality, and inquiring deeper and distilling what is going on underneath our life situations.