Past Life Trauma: Unfolding Freedom — EP49

Past life traumas know no time and space – therefore they live in our bodies, ways of being, and our beliefs and conflicts in this life. We can gain an incredible amount of freedom and release through honoring what may be located in a past life. But how? Ease into this episode about the relevance of past life stories to being yourself and loving yourself, my personal stories of past life and past life trauma, and 4 ways that you can begin to access the wisdom and parts of you that transcend time!

Inner Baby & Beautiful Garbage with Erin Diedling — EP48

Erin Diedling and I explore how trauma goes into the tissues, our personal stories of early and pre-birth trauma and the power in healing these, how the soul moves out of the way in early life trauma, and clearing out the beautiful garbage of what’s stuck so we can fully trust and be in our psychic gifts. Included is an “intuitive glance” of the podcast community and who’s connecting in.

Alignment: How to Come Back When You Spiral Down — EP47

How to realign to Source, your essence, when you’re ‘spiraling downward’ or hanging by a thread emotionally- Try some practical tips that you can practice on how I support my body in feeling more grounded, coming back to clarity, transcending beliefs, and aligning my vibration towards ease and trust in the roughest of moments.

Gather Yourself: Energize and Re-Charge ❤ Self – Love Note

You have the power to recharge your batteries and re-energize when you need to! When you feel drained or fatigued, it is likely your energy is dispersed and left behind, or there’s an energy leak somewhere. Today we will focus on unifying your dispersed energy so you feel whole and present.