You Are Pleasure — Worthy And Your Pleasure Lifts Others — EP141

You are sooo worthy of pleasure! In every area of your life. Pleasure can be tangled up with so much – our worthiness, betrayal of others if we have pleasure, whether we are selfish or self-centered, responsibility, and indulgence. In this episode, I talk about all this including how being in YOUR pleasure brings more to yourself and others.

Reset Into Harmony: Energy Work Experiential — EP139

We neutralize into harmony knowing that everyone is on their own soul trajectory and is deeply free. In this experiential, you will cleanse your energy from collective and personal relationships, collect and harness your energy, and neutralize expectations so that a deeper harmony and freedom emerges.

Transform Addictions and Cravings Into Presence and Freedom — EP119

Navigate your cravings and addictions to loosen up their intensity and bring healing in this somatic experiential. With cravings and addictions, we have a keyhole into knowing what it is that lives under the surface that drives these actions and ways of coping. It is also the opening for more empowerment and self-love.