A{Live} Now: Settling Into My New Space — EP183

I’m settling into my new home. A little taste of how I support myself and landed through the transition of buying a new house, moving, and repairs! It’s been a whirlwind in many ways and some things have brought me stillness and ease.

Daydream: Breathing Room for the Spirit — EP101

Give space for your deep inner life and Soul to play. Allow breathing room for your Spirit. Daydreaming offers space for creative life energy of the universe to come through you and can be restful, healing, or revealing. The benefits of Daydreaming and ways to enter dreamspace.

Presence and Pleasure Through Place: Orienting ❤ Self — Love Note

I’m always pleasantly surprised at the simple practice of noticing my surroundings to help me ground and be present. Like animals do when they arrive in a space, our instinctual body and nervous system benefits when we orient. Explore orienting and using a place to support yourself in presence and pleasure.

Where can we soften? With Lauren Maxwell — EP58

Where can we soften? How do you invite your bones to change? In this episode, Lauren Maxwell and I explore these topics as well as finding pleasure, how to change the shape of your spine and learning to feel safe in your own truth.

The Simple Things ❤ Self – Love Note

Love yourself with an essential practice of appreciating the simple things in life and embodying the experience… When we feel safe, we are able to engage more in our lives. We can be more creative, present, and connected with ourselves and others.