The Shadow Side of Empathy: When Empathy Goes Awry — EP86

There’s nothing wrong with empathy or helping, but where it is coming from? Is the way you are seeing people when you support ultimately disempowering them? An empathy cleanse, plus how acceptance of death, past life, ancestry, codependency all relate.

Congruence Inside & Out: Stand For All Of You — EP80

It’s quite the human task to be congruent and aligned with ourselves. Do you sacrifice, sell off, hide, or ignore parts of yourself? How do we cycle our inward congruence outward to live from the heart, and deepening with social issues?

Being Brave to Do What is Enough and Not More With Kerry Maiorca — EP79

It takes bravery to slow down and recognize you are enough. Kerry Maiorca asks: Is it self-love or is it self-bullying and shaming? Is FEAR your CEP? Here she talks about Why First Graders are better at meditation than you are, how to begin any yoga practice just as you are, nourishment in the in-between spaces of life, how yoga is real life happening, and to give yourself permission to have joy.

a{Live} now: Lessons From Horses, Boundaries, and my new Assertive Hat — EP 57

I’m on an adventure…This episode is a candid conversation about the challenges and learning around being in Ireland on a horse farm for the first time – cleaning horse poop and becoming a stronger leader. I’m putting on my assertive hat and holding my boundaries and grounding with horses, strengthening inner freedom, and learning to have even clearer intention.