Mind Play & Energy Alchemy: A Trick to Get Unstuck — EP149

You are the substance of all possibility! Here’s a simple mind trick that you can play with to step into creative prowess and into aspects of yourself that feel blocked. When you ACT AS IF… you can free up some of the energy spent on doubting for joy, wholeness, and inspired action.

Gather Yourself: Energize and Re-Charge ❤ Self – Love Note

You have the power to recharge your batteries and re-energize when you need to! When you feel drained or fatigued, it is likely your energy is dispersed and left behind, or there’s an energy leak somewhere. Today we will focus on unifying your dispersed energy so you feel whole and present.

A Whole New Set of Realities: Patrick Kalscheur – EP31

How does one bridge spirituality, wanting to make a difference, and family law together? Learn how Patrick Kalscheur, Conscious Family Lawyer, integrated his passions into an empowering practice as a family lawyer, mediator, and coach. Patrick shares tips on how to move from scarcity towards abundance, embodying desires and envisioning possibilities, how to open a stepping stone of gratitude towards manifestation, the process of moving through fears and challenges of divorce, and being a clair-empath. His Gratitude Meditation to follow.