A{Live} Now: Gaining Weight & Body Love — EP163

I’m focused on gaining weight and finding food I love right now! Find out why in this Episode along with the challenges, loving my body, and healing adventures stemming from mystery bodily messages.

The Body Talks All the Time… — EP161

A little tidbit here on how the body talks to you through its symptoms, tension, illness, and emotion. Explore the purpose for these experiences or situations in your life. What is your body and spirit trying to tell you? It’s not about thinking it through, but sensing and opening to the wisdom.

Horse Drool and An Inner Shower — EP158

Sounds pleasant huh? Horse drool and an inner shower?! A guided experiential of taking an inner shower and clearing the energies in your body to feel refreshed! Find out why I’m talking about horse drool, and some food for thought on alignment and peace.