The Deepest Form of Self – Love : Being YOU – EP8

LOVE your voice, become fully self – expressed and show yourself the deepest form of self – love: live your truth shamelessly and wildly. Listen in on my realistic inspiration to you about bringing yourself to life. How essential it is that you share your specific desires and gifts, validate yourself, and be fully in your being!

Dare to See Yourself with Liz LaForce — EP112

“Everything Inside of You Has a Right to Be There.” Liz transmits a purity in her energy as she talks about the Process to Self, playfulness, authenticity, letting her “form come”, unknowing and identity crisis. She encourages bringing love towards all the pieces of yourself.

Love What You Love — EP108

A poem by Mary Oliver, Wild Geese, a confession about pleasing others, a story about my Father, immigration and ancestry with the topic of “niceness”, a live self-forgiveness of myself for ways I judge myself, change your life any moment, and What would a horse do?

Daydream: Breathing Room for the Spirit — EP101

Give space for your deep inner life and Soul to play. Allow breathing room for your Spirit. Daydreaming offers space for creative life energy of the universe to come through you and can be restful, healing, or revealing. The benefits of Daydreaming and ways to enter dreamspace.