What can Family Constellations do for you?

The first time I tried Family Constellations, a friend invited me and I blindly went. I had no idea that I would see a visual and dimensional image of my family dynamics and how they related to me through live people in the room. These people had no idea who my family members were or anything about them. By connecting … Read More

20 Deep Self Love Practices

These twenty Self love practices go beyond self care and towards a deep sense of loving who you are and the reasons you are alive. When we love our unique voice and way of being in this life, we open to natural ease, authenticity, and freedom from the depths of your soul. Speak fiercely. Express your truth from your gut … Read More

what is yoga?

Many people understand yoga as poses (asana) or stretches. Yoga is an ancient, broad, and deep spiritual practice and philosophy of living. It involves honoring and integrating the Self, developing awareness and consciousness, knowing who you are in relation to everything around you, and understanding how your internal world creates the external. Yoga is incredibly helpful in shifting out of … Read More

not a moment earlier

“You’ll know when you need to know, and not a moment earlier. That’s how it works when the answer you’re looking for depends on other events that must first settle, new players that need to be gathered, and serendipities that are still being calculated. Sometimes, not even I know, until I know. But you will.” ~The Universe, via Mike Dooley

Just let it go

How do you just ‘let it go’ when something is actually bothering you? If it means to just stop thinking about it, I’ve found it doesn’t work for most people. Instead, I think to give in to the feeling, be silent and breathe. Sometimes the feeling is so vulnerable it can slip away. Stay close. Simple, yet not always easy. … Read More