A Little Shift Makes a Ripple — EP193

If you’d like something to change, change something! Adjust, Shift, take a different turn… One shift opens many possibilities, a new set of configurations. Me thoughts on this and life recently: groundhogs, bees and hives, music and more.

A{Live} Now: Racism is in the Body, BLM + Hidden Race Wounds — EP123

I stand with Black people and see you. Witnessing the protests has inspired me to talk vulnerably and candidly about some experiences where I noticed my own racism coming to the surface. An invitation to look at your own lived wounds and beliefs around race — the ones you hide from yourself.

a{Live} now: Horse Constellations & Somatic Healing — EP78

Horses at liberty with meditation & constellation. Meiji at Silver Horse Retreat Mentoring.

Many people say that horses have a part of them in the earthly as well as the spiritual world. In this episode, I share about magical moments where the horses showed me that when my energy shifted, theirs and the outer world did too. I share experiences with Somatic Healing and Horse Constellations.