The Anatomy of Healing and Expression: How Who We Are Takes Form — EP42

In this podcast, I talk about the 5 levels of our physiology, the Koshas, and the essential understanding of how they work together in the growth and healing process. Each of the levels must be online and flowing in its natural states for true transformation to be embodied – so you feel the difference in your being.

Nick Werber: Death Opens Possibility and Connection – EP37

In this podcast, Nick Werber and I explore how to understand and heal when the trauma wasn’t yours, how acknowledging death in the picture brings more possibility and connection, when retelling your story is unhelpful, the rules of belonging that can hinder us, becoming aware of the filters that helped us in the past but become intrusive now, and the collective trauma leading to competition and rivalry. With our personal stories and alchemy combined, this conversation with Nick gives you a taste of how we invite each other to learn and renew inspiration!

Caitlin Parsons ❤ Find Your Non-Negotiables – EP35

In this podcast, Caitlin Parsons shares about 6 ways to stand in your empowerment, finding inner resource, the benefits of yoga nidra and yoga therapy, the loving act of tuning into your body’s needs and non-negotiables, and how to manage dental anxiety. Caitlin’s passion is to create a space for curiosity and the unfolding. She is a teacher, student, nature lover, and adventurer at heart-based in San Diego, California.

The Inner Workings of Nature’s Healing & Elemental Medicine – EP28

Learn about the inner workings of Nature as Nourishment and medicine, the tantras, the universe, and the earth! Tune into how we can very simply and easefully tap into the earth and aspects of nature for healing, and how to use your ability to visualize to bring yourself balance and healing.

Following this podcast intro will be four healing meditations that offer ways to utilize nature as medicine, tuning into the elements, and balancing your energies.

Cat Aldana: See That Your Life is Enough – EP25

Introducing, Cat Aldana, founder of EAT STRETCH NAP™! She is a friend and colleague who transforms and teaches inner wisdom with lighthearted and simple reminders to breathe, pause, see that your life is enough, and stepping into your power.