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Feeling Joy and All It Comes With ❤ Self – Love Note

This last few weeks I’ve experienced a lot of joy! I’ve felt connections with people where I felt very present, seen, loved, and open. I met a dear friend who I believe (and so does she) that we have experienced perhaps 1–3 other lives together (yes past lives). I’ve also had several opportunities to use my skills that feel impeccably aligned.

When my capacity for joy stretches, it also stretches my capacity to feel other feelings that can be more uncomfortable or allow to the surface feelings that may be considered more unpleasant. I experience this as both expanding in my capacity to feel more and also in clearing space for more in the present. So, with joy, I’m also feeling some sadness and grief come through, and I palpably feel sensations in my body that are trying to integrate. It feels like energy is running through my body, a bit of an anxious tingly feeling, and tears wanting to release at times. Sometimes my body wants to move and other times it wants to nap or meditate in stillness.

I’m observing how much of me can receive the goodness, joy or pleasure in the moment it’s happening and in what I am experiencing. If not in the moment, then I take some time to digest it later, just like a yummy meal.

I have often been surprised at how joyful or good experiences can be hard to take in. They can be vulnerable and beautiful, and even unbelievable. For some, it’s even harder to take in pleasure than it is pain. I’ve definitely been there. It can be connected with our past experiences, our impressions, beliefs, or images of who we are and what we are capable of, and the world around us.

The good thing is that we can take our time to integrate a pleasant experience. Doing it a little at a time and pendulating from pleasant to unpleasant, and back and forth, can expand our embodied capacity. Our nervous system enjoys more ease when we do this gently.

Inquiry about Integrating Joy

Are there experiences you’ve had recently that have been pleasant or expansive?

If you touch back into these, what do you notice in your body or emotions?

How much of you is able to receive and be with pleasant experience in the moment it is happening?

Take Time to Digest

Like digesting a meal, a pleasant experience needs its time to run through your nervous system and body to metabolize. The beautiful thing about this is that it also expands your ability to feel more joy or pleasant feeling, as well as attunes you to noticing more when it happens.

❤ Slow down and recall a pleasant memory that you’d like to integrate.

❤ Notice the emotions, sensations, movements, breath, and anything else that happens while you hold the image the memory.

❤ Take a break when you notice unpleasant sensation and slowly dip into it a dose at a time or at the pace that feels like you can manage.

❤ Notice as the intensity of any unpleasant feeling softens and the pleasant feelings are more settled.

We are made to feel pleasure and joy! This is our guide to knowing who we are and what we love. Be gentle as you move through and tune into experiences that bring you joy and it can be supportive to have someone to share it with like a friend, healer or therapist.


Featured Photo by Chris Spiegl

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