Give Yourself Permission to Unplug ❤ Self – Love Note

Go ahead and do it!

As you can see, there is no new blog post this week, and also the Self – Love Note will be brief because…

Sometimes I need to completely go offline in some aspect of my life and put my heart, body, and inner world first, without any agenda. Without a means to an end, but to purely be with myself and what comes up in me. Or to let myself do something completely different with the space that is cleared.

Go for it yourself if you are in need for some balancing, replenishing, pleasure, or respite!

It’s so healing to unplug or disconnect, though it can also bring up emotions that are challenging or unpleasant. It has the chance to bring you nourishment, spaciousness, and new self-knowing as well.

Simply Unplug

  • As a curious exploration, if you could unplug from anything without consequence, what would you unplug from? Notice what comes to you.
  • Give yourself permission to unplug from something this weekend (and for the week if you want to dive in longer).
  • Simply do it and stick with it. Encourage yourself and stand behind yourself!

It can be anything: technology, a chore that you do all the time, social media, social interaction, the laundry, certain relationships, spending with your credit card.


With Love,


Featured image by Henry Be on Unsplash

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If The Embody Podcast, my writing, or guided healing meditations have inspired you, helped, or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you would show your support through a small donation.

Each creation is lovingly made from my soul and takes anywhere from weeks to a few days to develop and produce. I gladly pay an editor who supports me in polishing and creating high quality content.

As little as $2 help nourish my podcast and other creations to continue to have life and cover costs.

You can also take a look at my offerings which can deepen your embodiment on your own journey. Proceeds from those offerings also help me in the creation of more resources and material.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so appreciative.

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