The Past Does Not Define Your Future — EP169

The present is an outpouring of your past energies and beliefs… not a confirmation of the future. And the past does not define what happens next — you’re a constant creator whether you know it or not.

Mind Play & Energy Alchemy: A Trick to Get Unstuck — EP149

You are the substance of all possibility! Here’s a simple mind trick that you can play with to step into creative prowess and into aspects of yourself that feel blocked. When you ACT AS IF… you can free up some of the energy spent on doubting for joy, wholeness, and inspired action.

Jim Shares His Transformational Study of Spirituality – EP4

Jim is one of the most significant spiritual and yoga teachers in my life. By his very existence and his applied teachings, he has taught me the deeper meaning of aum, that everything is truly possible, and a how to understand the way that the universe works, according to Tantric and Vedic Sciences. Through his teachings I am able to … Read More