Realign with the Source of Your Empowerment: Letting Go of Dependency and Attachment ❤ Self – Love Note

The thrashing and pouring rains in Perth, Australia, today have been reminding me of the destruction and release…the downpour that is at times necessary in our lives. Especially now, when the universe is moving in very dynamic ways, many energies within us personally and as a collective are clearing out, shifting, finding alignment from mis-alignment, and wanting to be honored as they move.

We need destruction, ending, release, and letting go during these times to let ourselves have space for the possibilities that are making their way to us and through us.

Two Hands Free

“If you let go you have both hands free.”
~Chinese Proverb

This quote came to me just when I was gripping onto something tightly, preventing myself from feeling the tough feelings of letting go. It made me realize that I was suffering and falling into a dependent self.

I was holding onto something that I wanted in a specific relationship and it seemed to be holding me hostage at the same time. I had a certain idea of stability and safety, and I did everything I could to keep myself on this track. But it was the wrong track – I was paying the price.

We sacrifice parts of ourselves when we hold on too long or anchor ourselves to someone or something else. The parts of us that get set aside are the ones that are ready to grow and give you new life.

We essentially act as if something else is the source of our power or energy; that our power is outside of us. We think that we depend on this one thing happening, this relationship or situation, or setup in our lives to give us life – we act as if this is the source of our life. It’s not!

So, when I finally let go and gave voice to what was happening, I experienced so much more in the relationship. It brought me and the other person closer in some ways, more knowing of who we truly are, and opened up new possibilities that I couldn’t even imagine before.

Contraction and Survival Mode

When we grip, we are in a state of contraction. Closing in. Narrow mindedness. Single focus with pressure on the outcome.

We are not meant to exist in this way for long. Only for survival purposes. The contraction is meant to be a temporary protection, until we make our way back to our empowerment. We are meant to be in our expansiveness and all possibility (aim). Our nature which is infinite.

Surrender and Let It Be

The cycle and flow of something coming to life and into its death wants us to surrender, but we hold on tight prolonging it. Perhaps we are prolonging destruction, tough feelings, protecting others ultimately to protect ourselves, all coming from fears within our basic self and likely beliefs and ideas of ourselves in the world that are long past due for an update.

Maybe it’s a relationship, or something you’re tied to having in a relationship. Maybe it’s a bad work situation or fear of not having enough, tightening your grip on money.

Stepping Into Empowerment

What ways are you holding on or attached to something that doesn’t actually serve your empowerment? Are there places you sacrifice parts of yourself for safety or stability that you’re ready to release? Where do you need to let go? What ways do you stop yourself from receiving because you’re gripping on?

Be playful with yourself – bring lightness into this, because it’s the nervous system and the body that is protecting, prolonging, attaching, holding on for dear life. Remind yourself of your safety – and perhaps let yourself find new ways of safety.

Let’s Release : A Practice of Releasing and Receiving

Let’s tune into your Inner Wisdom and clear out some internal space for new possibility!

  • Ground yourself and breathe into your body.
  • Invite your Inner Wisdom or Higher Self forward.
  • See yourself in your highest light and feel into your energy.
  • Ask your inner wisdom and listen without judgment or filter:
    What am I holding onto lately where I need to let go?
    What connection, beliefs, or ways do I need to release?
    What am I feeling dependent on that may need to shift?
    Where am I holding or resisting in my body?
  • Thank your Inner Wisdom for any responses.
  • Imagine the thing that you need to let go, or even just notice in your body where there is letting go needed. If it gets stuck, ask this thing what it needs to release. Imagine that and feel through what happens in your body and emotions.
  • Now, open your hands to receive. Notice what this feels like and feel into what it would be like to receive what you deeply desire!

As you practice this, it may or may not be easy to “ask” your Inner Wisdom questions. It’s like asking your friend a question and listening with openness and curiosity, rather than thinking about it analytically or coming up with an answer. Sometimes it’s a whisper of a response and sometimes a scream – catch whatever it is and honor it! Sometimes it’s not even important to know what you’re attaching to or holding. Just letting it release may be all that’s needed.

Enjoy receiving and coming into new alignment with your current Self!

Featured photo by Gardie Design & Social Media Marketing on Unsplash

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