Loving Yourself ❤ The Past is Over – EP34

This episode is about a very important aspect of loving yourself- loving your whole self and catching yourself up to the present moment by closing the chapters of the past that are left open. Knowing that the past is over, we explore shifting the energy in the body by letting the body catch up to what you know is already over, and completing what’s incomplete.

a{Live} now: Hope Less & Live More, The Presents of Letting Go of Hope – EP36

Hope less to live more. Presence is the true present of living with less hope, being in a place of less expectation and control, more trust, flow, and freedom in my being.

This is a deep acceptance of what is in my experience in a fuller way, where I can experience more and not exist from the place where hoping that things would be different was a helpful tool of survival.

In this podcast, I share a personal story of what made me break, lose all hope, and become more present to the true moments that exist now.

Embodied Trauma Healing: From Science to Soul and Spirit – EP32

This episode is about the science, soul, and spirit behind trauma and trauma healing, how our instinctual animal body responds to threat, how the whole body’s function and our experience are impacted by the nervous system’s fight and flight responses, and the connection of the body to spiritual aspects of trauma. This episode will be followed by a body-centered trauma healing experiential that supports you in unfolding body memory and organic healing.