My Story and What I offer at Embody Your Nature — EP90

A ten-minute taste of my story in becoming a healing facilitator and the ways in which I support people in the science and the spirituality of being at home in their bodies, loving and feeling like themselves, and living in your wisdom.

Being Brave to Do What is Enough and Not More With Kerry Maiorca — EP79

It takes bravery to slow down and recognize you are enough. Kerry Maiorca asks: Is it self-love or is it self-bullying and shaming? Is FEAR your CEP? Here she talks about Why First Graders are better at meditation than you are, how to begin any yoga practice just as you are, nourishment in the in-between spaces of life, how yoga is real life happening, and to give yourself permission to have joy.

Permission to Be You & Addiction’s Gift with Jill Massura — EP43

Jump in on an insightful and inspired conversation with Jill Massura. We explore the gifts and challenge of showing up as human and vulnerable, how addiction ended up being the greatest gift of Jill’s life, seeing our life through wisdom lenses and neutrality, and inquiring deeper and distilling what is going on underneath our life situations.