Creating vs Reacting — EP178

With this story on looking deeper at what was living underneath my desires, I explore what creation truly is! Get clear on when you’re reacting and living from the past and when you’re truly creating your experience from present day sovereignty.

Pleasure Filter — EP176

Enjoying pleasure in your life requires flexing the muscle of basking in a good feeling. Jump into this episode where I talk about this and how what we appreciate in an embodied form appreciates.

You Are Pleasure — Worthy And Your Pleasure Lifts Others — EP141

You are sooo worthy of pleasure! In every area of your life. Pleasure can be tangled up with so much – our worthiness, betrayal of others if we have pleasure, whether we are selfish or self-centered, responsibility, and indulgence. In this episode, I talk about all this including how being in YOUR pleasure brings more to yourself and others.