Untangling Love Part 2: All of You is Worthy of Love — EP65

We are all worthy of love! Love is the direction of attention. In this episode, I open with a brief “tuning into” the energy of love. I explore many Parts of us that want love and have different ideas, agendas, and needs around love. I share personal experiences of the kind of love my 5-year-old self-desires, codependency, and a dream related to desire and love.

Soul Body Retreat: The Aftermath of Co-Creation — EP46

Unlike any yoga or meditation retreat… The Soul Body Retreat was full of transformational prowess and multidimensionality to support women in being themselves in their lives. Here is inside scoop, from members of the Soul Body Women’s Retreat, of what was experienced, what they got out of it, and how we honored ourselves, earth, our lineage and power.

a{Live} now: Good Morning, Perfectionist & Inner Critic – EP17

An inside look at my waking up with fear, exploring perfectionism, how I give love to my inner critic and inner perfectionist so they don’t get out of hand, exploring the roots of protection and purpose behind the perfectionism, and the inspiration I got knowing that Madonna has reinvented herself 14 times (maybe more at this point).

Self – Love Note ❤ Tuning Into Parts of Yourself

How do we sort out all of what goes on inside? Your inner world is like an entire family inside of you, or a team of players or workers that are at their best when they are all seen, acknowledged, and collaborating. We have subparts of ourselves that interact internally and that may take the lead at different times. Here are some ways to explore, love, and get to know the many parts of you.