a{Live} now: Hope Less & Live More, The Presents of Letting Go of Hope – EP36

Hope less to live more. Presence is the true present of living with less hope, being in a place of less expectation and control, more trust, flow, and freedom in my being.

This is a deep acceptance of what is in my experience in a fuller way, where I can experience more and not exist from the place where hoping that things would be different was a helpful tool of survival.

In this podcast, I share a personal story of what made me break, lose all hope, and become more present to the true moments that exist now.

The Inner Workings of Nature’s Healing & Elemental Medicine – EP28

Learn about the inner workings of Nature as Nourishment and medicine, the tantras, the universe, and the earth! Tune into how we can very simply and easefully tap into the earth and aspects of nature for healing, and how to use your ability to visualize to bring yourself balance and healing.

Following this podcast intro will be four healing meditations that offer ways to utilize nature as medicine, tuning into the elements, and balancing your energies.