a{Live} now: Good Morning, Perfectionist & Inner Critic – EP17

An inside look at my waking up with fear, exploring perfectionism, how I give love to my inner critic and inner perfectionist so they don’t get out of hand, exploring the roots of protection and purpose behind the perfectionism, and the inspiration I got knowing that Madonna has reinvented herself 14 times (maybe more at this point).

Shifting Out of Self-Betrayal – EP10

Live a truer and more congruent life, one that allows your soul to thrive and be nourished. Become aware of the subtle and obvious ways that you may be betraying yourself or turning against yourself.

The Body Tells The Tale: Wisdom from Within

There was an ache in my heart… lingering there for most of the morning, and from where it came I didn’t know. Nor did I know what caused the ache, but rather than wait for the pain to go away, or resist, I decided to listen to my heart, and to let the body tell the tale. I took a … Read More