Key to Manifesting: Surrender to the Map of Your Self — EP67

We are always manifesting something, but how do we manifest what we desire? In this episode, I explore the key to manifesting what you desire — finding the map to YOU. Listen in to a vulnerable story and healing experiences on worthiness and connection with your desires.

Saying Yes to a Spiritual Life

For a long time I have considered myself spiritual — But recently, there was something in my Spirit that was inviting me to step deeper. Surrender ALL the way. Trust in the unfolding of life and believe in my own power, as I am love. This is my story of that beautiful moment.

Unknowing and Finding Your Own Knowing With Cynthia Langtiw — EP64

Experience the energy of belief, inspiration, and love in this episode where Cynthia Langtiw and I explore the wobbly place of ‘unknowing’ and the process of finding your own knowing, the power of belief in oneself and in a group with inspiration, decolonization of research methods, the importance of silence, and lifting each other up.

Why Feel? Emotions & Embodiment for the Skeptic in You — EP59

In this episode, I talk about embodiment 101 for the skeptic in you, what qualities and capacities healing and integration requires, moving from rationalizing to feeling, the steps to feeling, the myths about being still or quiet, and accessing your wisdom.

Alignment: How to Come Back When You Spiral Down — EP47

How to realign to Source, your essence, when you’re ‘spiraling downward’ or hanging by a thread emotionally- Try some practical tips that you can practice on how I support my body in feeling more grounded, coming back to clarity, transcending beliefs, and aligning my vibration towards ease and trust in the roughest of moments.