Pragmatic Shamanism and Co-Authoring Our Lives with Rachel White — EP75

The “Amy Schumer of shamanic practitioners”, Rachel White specializes in demystifying the mystical and arming her clients with practical insights for the real world. We cover the ease of moving energy, coauthoring our lives, the multiverse, other realities, a tarot reading, and a shamanic journey.

The Magic of Going Inward ❤ Self — Love Note

There is the magic that happens when you turn your attention towards yourself to discover what’s next, what’s alive, and what is happening. Let’s stop to listen and get in touch with our deepest selves.

Why Witnessing Your Home Space Is Essentially Yoga

What is around us, especially “closest to home”, is imbued with our ongoing energy and attention. Marie Kondo asks us to examine each item in our habitat and ask ourselves, “does it spark joy?” If it doesn’t, honor and let it go. When we take a closer look at our surroundings and what is in them, we can unfold our … Read More