Pleasure, Beauty, and Capacity — EP136

You can have it all. You are worthy of deep and juicy pleasure. This episode is a primer with six ways to discover and deepen into what pleases you, whether that be simple joys, sexuality, purpose, or sensuality. Pleasure is the compass to your essential being, digesting pleasure, and the Ability to Respond (Response-Ability) to your Spirit.

Restore Ways of Being: Carve Out New Territory + Energy — EP132

The Body reflects any habitual patterns in your life — shake up the body’s movement and create something new in your life. Develop a pathway between what you are used to and the new road where the body starts to know it organically, fluidly, and flexibly.

Align to Pleasure + Prajña — EP122

Calibrate to pleasure as your compass and embody complete action. Come into being and vibrational clarity — creating from a place that is complete unto itself and likely brings gifts beyond fathomable because they are so in line with who you are, and given in your place here.