Sinking Into Synchronicity With Rachael Huttner – EP12

In this episode, I share an intimate and enriching conversation with a dear friend, Rachael Huttner, who is Thai Body Worker and Reiki Practitioner. Rachael and I talk about how basketball inspired her Thai Body Work, the importance of tribe and teamwork, how to be in touch with synchronicity, and nurturing and valuing intuition and spirit guides.

Self – Love Note ❤ Tuning Into Parts of Yourself

How do we sort out all of what goes on inside? Your inner world is like an entire family inside of you, or a team of players or workers that are at their best when they are all seen, acknowledged, and collaborating. We have subparts of ourselves that interact internally and that may take the lead at different times. Here are some ways to explore, love, and get to know the many parts of you.

Ancestral Medicine : Healing Through Your Lineage

Explore a clearer vision of your future by exploring who is behind you in your family lineage. Resource the strength, love, and life that is behind you. The farther back you can see behind you, the farther you can see forward into the future.

Fear is Love and Energy in Disguise:
What to Do When Fear Creeps In

What happens for you when fear creeps up? To the intensity of fear that exists, there is an equal amount of energy, power, and resource within it that is waiting for you to reclaim – parts of yourself that want to be reunited with you. Transform your fears and reclaim the energy, power, and resource behind them.

How to Heal and Grow with Ease : Pendulation

Pendulation describes movement back and forth. In Somatic Experiencing, it is the practice of moving from pleasant to unpleasant, or neutral/ease to challenge.

When you move back and forth from what’s safe to what may feel a bit more challenging, your nervous system is able to integrate small doses at a time and expand its capacity to feel both. It’s akin to taking small bites of your food, chewing it, and taking a breath before going in for more. You shouldn’t take the whole meal at one time!