Sync up to Your 100% Yes and Your Body’s No ❤ Self — Love Note

We have an instinctual knowing about what is supportive for us and what is not! Just like a baby gravitates towards what is life-giving in a safe and attuned environment. Attune to yourself. Say NO if you’re not 100% a YES — A few embodied practices to bring you, and sync you, to more congruence and trust.

Inner Wisdom: What Do I Need to Know Today? ❤ Self — Love Note

You have all the answers, dear wise soul. When listened to, related to, and trusted, your Spirit as it lives through you will fortify its ability to communicate with you. A practice of tuning in, asking, and listening. Offer yourself up and surrender to your own answers and medicine.

a{Live} now: Horse Constellations & Somatic Healing — EP78

Horses at liberty with meditation & constellation. Meiji at Silver Horse Retreat Mentoring.

Many people say that horses have a part of them in the earthly as well as the spiritual world. In this episode, I share about magical moments where the horses showed me that when my energy shifted, theirs and the outer world did too. I share experiences with Somatic Healing and Horse Constellations.

Saying Yes to a Spiritual Life

For a long time I have considered myself spiritual — But recently, there was something in my Spirit that was inviting me to step deeper. Surrender ALL the way. Trust in the unfolding of life and believe in my own power, as I am love. This is my story of that beautiful moment.