Ending and Beginning the Year With Grace; Cleansing, Impermanence, and Integration — EP53

Honor your year and your inner being with gentleness and embracing impermanence and death. This episode brings you into the fresh new year with a guided experiential process of cleansing the energy of and integrating this last year as well as honing in on how you want to be and feel in this new year. Let the body and energy release for you what is still left hanging so you have available space for new life. Happy New Year to you all. May you have a new year full of what you desire!

Holistic Visioning for the New Year

How do you keep in mind all of who you are in your new year’s resolutions, goals, or intentions? This year I went for it. I felt compelled to envision myself on all levels of my being and in detail. I wanted to truly step into what was enlivening and inspiring in me – in all areas of my being. … Read More