The Magic of Going Inward ❤ Self — Love Note

There is the magic that happens when you turn your attention towards yourself to discover what’s next, what’s alive, and what is happening. Let’s stop to listen and get in touch with our deepest selves.

Unknowing and Finding Your Own Knowing With Cynthia Langtiw — EP64

Experience the energy of belief, inspiration, and love in this episode where Cynthia Langtiw and I explore the wobbly place of ‘unknowing’ and the process of finding your own knowing, the power of belief in oneself and in a group with inspiration, decolonization of research methods, the importance of silence, and lifting each other up.

Self-Forgiveness ❤ Self – Love Note

Forgiveness is a way to support your movement forward – to learn and grow. It makes space for the possibilities in the moment and the opportunity to respond differently towards yourself and therefore towards the world. This is loving yourself and having compassion. You are human and you are “in training.”

Healing the Belief “I Am Not Enough or Good Enough” ❤ Self – Love Note

Sometimes we believe we aren’t enough unless we do or achieve a specific thing, or because we aren’t a certain way or have a certain quality in us. We are all enough because we exist. Try this Self-Love Exercise to support you in transforming your nervous system to calibrate to the belief that You Are Enough.

Honor More of Yourself ❤ Self – Love Note

To embrace and give a place for all the parts of who you have been and who you are, all those that stand behind you and all those in your lineage gives the kaleidoscope of fullness and wholeness. We feel more of ourselves, good and bad. We acknowledge and experience more. Take a moment to love the many parts of yourself by honoring this in you today!