Transform Addictions and Cravings Into Presence and Freedom — EP119

Navigate your cravings and addictions to loosen up their intensity and bring healing in this somatic experiential. With cravings and addictions, we have a keyhole into knowing what it is that lives under the surface that drives these actions and ways of coping. It is also the opening for more empowerment and self-love.

Relationship Cleanse : Honor, Reset, Close, and Renew — EP110

Get clear with your relationships! Cleanse, reset, end, restore, honor, thank, and give each relationship its place. When we speak truth, we may find peace and feel unburdened, understand the meaning of this relationship, and bring a renewal of energy and possibility.

Daydream: Breathing Room for the Spirit — EP101

Give space for your deep inner life and Soul to play. Allow breathing room for your Spirit. Daydreaming offers space for creative life energy of the universe to come through you and can be restful, healing, or revealing. The benefits of Daydreaming and ways to enter dreamspace.

My Story and What I offer at Embody Your Nature — EP90

A ten-minute taste of my story in becoming a healing facilitator and the ways in which I support people in the science and the spirituality of being at home in their bodies, loving and feeling like themselves, and living in your wisdom.