Do You Fully Stand Behind Your Choices? ❤ Self – Love Note

So as I’m watching the millions of people stand for the one person in the Hong Kong Protests, I wondered — do I stand up for ALL of the parts of myself? Do I make choices that continue to trade in some amount of pleasure or practicality and sacrifice another part of me to get hurt? Where am I incongruent with all of what I need or desire with what I allow in and attract in my life?

Saying Yes to a Spiritual Life

For a long time I have considered myself spiritual — But recently, there was something in my Spirit that was inviting me to step deeper. Surrender ALL the way. Trust in the unfolding of life and believe in my own power, as I am love. This is my story of that beautiful moment.

Presence and Pleasure Through Place: Orienting ❤ Self — Love Note

I’m always pleasantly surprised at the simple practice of noticing my surroundings to help me ground and be present. Like animals do when they arrive in a space, our instinctual body and nervous system benefits when we orient. Explore orienting and using a place to support yourself in presence and pleasure.

Healing the Belief “I Am Not Enough or Good Enough” ❤ Self – Love Note

Sometimes we believe we aren’t enough unless we do or achieve a specific thing, or because we aren’t a certain way or have a certain quality in us. We are all enough because we exist. Try this Self-Love Exercise to support you in transforming your nervous system to calibrate to the belief that You Are Enough.

The Simple Things ❤ Self – Love Note

Love yourself with an essential practice of appreciating the simple things in life and embodying the experience… When we feel safe, we are able to engage more in our lives. We can be more creative, present, and connected with ourselves and others.